• +44 (0)1793 784389

Power Supplies

PPM provide a wide range of power supplies including specialist and custom units in AC/DC and DC/DC variants. Specialist units include programmable, bi-directional and precision DC power supplies as well as capacitor chargers and battery test systems.

Browse power supplies by category, or alternatively use our parametric search for specific requirements.

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Standard Units

Standard AC/DC units range from low voltage/high current models for applications such as medical or test and measurement up to 40 kW industrial and battery units. Typical applications include rail, automotive and industrial automation. Standard DC/DC units include low and high power industrial designs from 30 W to 40 kW.

Specialist Units

Custom Units

PPM are able to supply custom designs up to 1 MW.  Please contact a member of our sales team to discuss a custom power supply design.

  • Heinzinger EVO 4-3 ratio

Programmable Power Supplies

Output VoltageMax. Output CurrentMax. Power OutputTypical Applications
Low Power6 V - 650 V1 mA - 600 A20 W - 5200 WAutomotive, Light Engineering, Research & Design
High Power6 V - 60 kV50 mA - 10 kA3 kW - 250 kWLinear Particle Accelerators, Research & Design, Test & Simulation
High Voltage1 kV - 300 kV5 mA - 10 A400 W - 10 kWIon Beam Systems, X-ray Equipment, Ion Implantation, Lab & Test Systems
ERS Battery Test & Simulation System600 - 1000 V300 - 500 A80 - 250 kWHybrid & Electric Vehicle Battery & Drivetrain Testing, EOL Testing

AC Sources and Grid Simulators

Power LevelVoltage RangeFrequency
ESA SeriesUp to 4 MVA0-300 V L-N (up to 700 V option), 30-100 Hz (up to 550 Hz with derating)
KGS SeriesUp to 500 kVA0-300 V (up to 750 V option)DC-1kHz (2 kHz option)
ZGX Series15 kVA in 4U450 V L-N (636 V DC)DC-1 kHz

DC/DC Power Supplies

Output VoltageMax. Output CurrentMax. Power OutputTypical Applications
High Voltage500 V - 40 kV0.1 mA - 480 A1 mW - 30 WHV Biasing Supplies, Miniature PCB, Low Power
High End Industrial Low Power4.5 V - 800 V0.5 A - 800 A120 W - 4.4 kWRail & Automotive, Industrial Automation, Harsh Environments
High End Industrial High Power4.5 V - 800 V10 A - 800 A4 kW - 40 kWRail & Automotive, Industrial Automation, Harsh Environments
Bi-Directional Converters380 V52 A2.5 kWEnergy Recovery & Storage, Smart Grids, Micro Grids, Battery Test & Simulation
E-Beam500 V - 60 kV0.1 mA - 3 A-Scanning Electron Microscopes, E-Beams, Diagnostics, Lithography

AC/DC Power Supplies

Output VoltageMax. Output CurrentMax. Power OutputTypical Applications
Industrial Low Voltage3.3 V - 60 V6.3 A - 300 A200 W - 3.2 kWAutomated Service, Medical, Test & Measurement
Industrial High Voltage12 kV - 100 kV0.005 - 35 mA0.06 W - 420 WElectrostatic Air Cleaning, Ionizers, Painting, Precipitators
Rack Mount12 V - 48 V21 A - 200 A1 kW - 2.5 kWDistributed Power Architectures, Factory Automation, RF Amplifiers
High End Industrial Low Power4.5 V - 400 V0.8 A - 260 A150 W - 4.4 kWRail & Automotive, Industrial Automation, Harsh Environments
High End Industrial High Power4.5 V - 800 V11 A - 800 A4.5 kW - 40 kWRail & Automotive, Industrial Automation, Harsh Environments
Battery Chargers Low Power12 V - 290 V0.7 A - 220 A150 W - 4.4 kWBuilding Security, Industrial, Automotive & Rail
Battery Chargers High Power12 V - 290 V16 A - 800 A4.5 kW - 30 kWBuilding Security, Industrial, Automotive & Rail

Capacitor Chargers

Output VoltageMax. Output CurrentMax. Power OutputTypical Applications
Capacitor Chargers62 V - 60 kV3.3 mA - 30 A20 W - 1 MWLasers, Grid Bias Supplies, PFNs, Modulators, Precipitators, Lithotripters

Precision DC Power Supplies

Output VoltageMax. Output CurrentMax. Power OutputTypical Applications
Low Voltage6 V - 600 V1 A - 5000 A3 W - 15 kWMagnet Power, Research & Design, Particle Physics
High Voltage600 V - 60 kV67 mA - 40 A3 W - 150 kWMass Spectrometry, Contraband Detection, Production Lines, R & D

Battery Simulation & Testing

Output VoltageMax. Output CurrentMax. Power OutputTypical Applications
ERS System600 - 1000 V300 - 500 A80 - 250 kWHybrid & Electric Vehicle Battery & Drivetrain Testing, EOL Testing

Configurable Modular Power Supplies

SlotsPowerMedical approvalIndustrial approvalIT/AV approval
Excelsys CoolX 6004600 WIEC60601-1 3rd edition / IEC60601-1-2, 4th ed.IEC60950, 2nd ed.IEC 62368-1
Excelsys CoolX 180041800 WIEC60601-1 3rd edition / IEC60601-1-2, 4th ed.IEC60950, 2nd ed.IEC 62368-1
Excelsys Ultimod Series4-6600-1200 WUL/EN60601-1 (3rd ed.)UL/EN60950-1 (2nd ed.)
Artesyn NeoPower84000 WIEC60601-1UL62368-1IEC 62368-1


custom DC link capacitor and busbarCustom Capacitor Solutions

power ring homepage buttonPower Ring

APCS standard test kitStandard Test Kits

Ceramic Capacitors

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More Information?

Telephone +44 (0)1793 784389 or email: sales@ppm.co.uk