• +44 (0)1793 784389

High Voltage DC/DC Power Supplies

UltraVolt high voltage DC to DC power supplies from Advanced Energy are designed for low power and micro-size HV applications. Mass spectrometry requires a number of HV sources. For example: ion sources, quadrupoles, accelerating potentials, ion traps, detectors including conversion dynode, micro channel plates, scintillators, electron multiplier or photo multiplier tubes (PMT). These applications are typically served by the A, AA, LE or micro series of UltraVolt products below. Biasing of PIN diodes in tuning circuits for antenna is an excellent example of where the low noise, high precision power supplies can be used effectively.

For Cytometry (fluid steering) a +/- voltage of 2-6 kV is required. As these are very low power, the microsized series of UltraVolt products are a good fit. There can be arcing in these applications, and these products are robust enough to withstand the rapidly changing load impedance.

Electrophoresis often requires a reversible HV source. The HVA range of devices have true bipolar capability and are able to source of sink current from a load. Higher power units are also available for capacitor charging. This is typically used in motor winding analysis (cable thumping), laser drives or lithotripsy (ESWL).

Browse the tables below or call +44 (0)1793 784389 to talk to a member of our technical sales team.

  • UltraVolt AA series power supply

High Power

UltraVolt high power C series power supply
Output Voltage (kV)Output Current (mA)Output Power (W)Load RegulationLine RegulationRipple Noise
C Series0.062 - 63.3 - 48020 - 30< 0.01 %< 0.01 %< 1 %
High Power C Series0.125 - 601 - 200060 - 250< 0.01 %< 0.01 %< 1 %
Bipolar High Power C Series0.125 - 621 - 2000125 - 250< 0.01 %< 0.01 %< 1 %

Micro and High Voltage Biasing Supplies

UltraVolt XS series power supply
UltraVolt A series power supply
UltraVolt MPM series power supply
Output Voltage (kV)Max. Output Current (mA)Max. Output Power (W)Load RegulationLine RegulationRipple Noise
AA Series0.062 - 648030< 0.01 % Rated< 0.01 % Rated0.15 %
A Series0.062 - 4048030< 0.01 % Rated< 0.01 % Rated0.15 %
XS Series0.110.001+/- 0.01 % Rated+/- 0.01 % Rated50 mV
AEQ Series0.650.530 %N/A1%
US Series0.2 - 0.01 % Rated+/- 0.01 % Rated0.01 %
M Series0.6 - 31.671+/- 0.01 % Rated+/- 0.01 % Rated0.01 %
V Series0.6 - 31.671+/- 0.01 % Rated+/- 0.01 % Rated0.01 %
D Series1 - 661 - 6+/- 0.01 % Rated+/- 0.01 % Rated0.02 %
MPM Series0.1 - 3151.5< 10 % Rated+/- 10 % Rated1 %
PMT Series
0.6 - 1.50.33 - 1.670.5 - 1< 0.02 % Rated+/- 0.01 % Rated0.005 %
CHVM Series
0 - 20.7 - 151.4 - 3< 0.5 %< 0.03 %5 - 50 mV

Smart Digital High Voltage  Power Supply

Dean SPS Series Power Supply Units
Output Voltage (V)Max. Output Current (mA)Output Capacitance (µF)Voltage StabilityRipple Noise
SPS Series25-60001200.0023-1µF< 0.01 % Nom.> 0.15%

High Voltage Amplifiers

UltraVolt HVA series amplifier
Output Voltage (kV)Max. Output Current (uA)Max. Output Power (W)Load RegulationLine RegulationRipple Noise
HVA Series+/- 1 - 2025020.01 % Rated0.01 % Rated0.05 %

High Voltage Precision DC Module

UltraVolt LE series power supply

Output Voltage (kV)Max. Output Current (A)Max. Output Power (W)Load RegulationLine RegulationRipple Noise
LE series1 - 30kV0.13mA - 30mA4 - 30W0.0025 %0.0025 %0.002 %

Special Isolated PSU’s

UltraVolt FL Series

Output Voltage (V)Max. Output Current (A)Max. Output Power (W)Load RegulationLine RegulationRipple Noise
FL SeriesMultiple, see datasheet1242 % Rated1 % Rated2 %
EFL SeriesMultiple, see datasheet1.5365 % Rated1 % Rated4 %
FLHV Series60000.015150.1 %N/A0.05 %

Filament Supply

FIL Series

Output Voltage (V)Max. Output Current (A)Max. Output Power (W)Load RegulationLine RegulationRipple Noise
FIL Series53150.1 %N/A0.05 %

High Voltage Power Systems

Output Voltage (V)Max. Output Current (A)Max. Output Power (W)Load RegulationLine RegulationRipple Noise
HV RackSelect any Ultravolt modules, up to 4 channelsSelect any Ultravolt modules, up to 4 channelsSelect any Ultravolt modules, up to 4 channelsDependant on internal modulesDependant on internal modulesDependant on internal modules

Showing 1–12 of 22 results


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Telephone +44 (0)1793 784389 or email: sales@ppm.co.uk