• +44 (0)1793 784389

RM High Voltage DC Filter Capacitor


  • Excellent stability
  • Low resistive and inductive losses
  • Offers lowest tolerances


  • Power RF circuits
  • Oscillators and filters
  • Snubbers


The type RM capacitor is an intermediate high voltage device that incorporates the excellent electrical characteristics of a fixed kraft paper and polyester dielectric with a resin impregnation to achieve exceptional reliability in the smallest possible size. The standard type RM is made with either a non-inductive (extended foil) construction or a multiple tab construction, and is housed in a polyester tape wrap with epoxy end seals.

Talk to a member of our technical sales team on +44 (0)1793 784839 to discuss your requirement further.

Pacific Capacitor Dimensions

Type RM High Voltage Mica Capacitors

Part NumberCapacitance (µF)DC Voltage (kV)Capacitor ToleranceWidth (A)
Thickness (B)
Length (C)
RM102G104F0.1µF1kV± 10% 15.88mm12.7mm46.05mm
RM102G105F1.0µF1kV± 10% 38.1mm23.83mm46.05mm
RM102G254F0.25µF1kV± 10% 22.23mm11.13mm46.05mm
RM102G503F0.05µF1kV± 10% 12.7mm3.178mm46.05mm
RM102G504F0.5µF1kV± 10% 27mm15.88mm46.05mm
RM202G104F0.1µF2kV± 10% 17.48mm7.95mm46.05mm
RM202G105F1.0µF2kV± 10% 47.63mm22.23mm60.33mm
RM202G254F0.25µF2kV± 10% 25.4mm14.3mm46.05mm
RM202G503F0.05µF2kV± 10% 14.3mm4.78mm46.05mm
RM202G504F0.5µF2kV± 10% 36.53mm22.23mm46.05mm
RM302G104F0.1µF3kV± 10% 23.83mm12.7mm46.05mm
RM302G105F1.0µF3kV± 10% 50.8mm25.4mm82.55mm
RM302G254F0.25µF3kV± 10% 34.93mm20.65mm46.05mm
RM302G503F0.05µF3kV± 10% 19.05mm7.95mm46.05mm
RM302G504F0.5µF3kV± 10% 46.05mm20.65mm60.33mm
RM402G104F0.1µF4kV± 10% 30.18mm19.05mm46.05mm
RM402G254F0.25µF4kV± 10% 41.28mm15.88mm60.33mm
RM402G503F0.05µF4kV± 10% 23.83mm12.7mm46.05mm
RM402G504F0.5µF4kV± 10% 44.45mm19.05mm82.55mm
RM502G103F0.01µF5kV± 10% 17.48mm6.35mm46.05mm
RM502G104F0.1µF5kV± 10% 38.1mm12.7mm60.33mm
RM502G203F0.02µF5kV± 10% 20.65mm9.53mm46.05mm
RM502G254F0.25µF5kV± 10% 46.05mm20.65mm82.55mm
RM502G503F0.05µF5kV± 10% 28.58mm17.48mm46.05mm


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